« Reply #690 on: April 26, 2010, 09:52:19 » |
Hopefully, as well as the turnback signal on the down platform, the signalling will also be altered to allow both 'distant' signals to be allowed to show a green aspect. Currently, due to the token exchange and single line section, drivers have to slow to around 40mph for the approach to the station (slower if there's another train coming the other way in the vicinity) and the removal of this restriction (and the need to get a token) would save about 2-4 minutes on the time needed for a westbound train to go through the Moreton area, and a minute or so for one coming the other way.
To view my GWML▸ Electrification cab video 'before and after' video comparison, as well as other videos of the new layout at Reading and 'before and after' comparisons of the Cotswold Line Redoubling scheme, see:
« Reply #691 on: April 26, 2010, 17:35:30 » |
That is certainly the plan - trains will be able to run into Moreton unchecked. Tokens are to be abolished, I understand, and replaced by axle counters.
« Reply #692 on: May 20, 2010, 13:21:28 » |
There is a very detailed article about the redoubling project, with a lot of information on the signalling changes, in the new issue of Rail magazine. Well worth seeking out if you're interested.
Having read the piece in its entirety after getting home, there are some rough edges on historical detail, perhaps the worst of which is the description of Charlbury's original Oxford Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway station as a Great Western Railway building.
And I can think of a few people who might get upset by the following statement: "There were also perceptions among passengers that journeys on the route were slow".
Er, no they are not perceptions. A number of trains are slower than they used to be, others have extended pathing stops, especially at Evesham. Happily, the article does show signs that the complaints by the CLPG» and others about extended journey times and the apparent lack of ambition to claw back some of the padding after redoubling have finally hit home with FGW▸ , though they shouldn't really make too much of taking 20 minutes off the London-Worcester time of the 17.50, which will be achieved almost entirely by removing the current pathing allowances at Oxford, Moreton-in-Marsh and Evesham. A more typical cut of six minutes in timings is indicated, largely, I'd suggest, as a result of removing token exchanges between Moreton and Worcester
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 01:10:50 by willc »
« Reply #693 on: May 22, 2010, 00:21:48 » |
Boots on the ground again. A team of surveyors were at work taking measurements where the new track will run in the station area at Charlbury this morning as my train into Oxford called.
« Reply #694 on: May 22, 2010, 11:36:49 » |
Having read the article in the new Rail magazine, great detail of whats happening at the stations/signalling. However the only grey area's that wasn't mentioned is new/existing distant signals, southbound access to Long Marston. So does anyone know if: - There will be new LED signals to replace the existing ones between Honeybourne and Moreton to protect the revamped Level crossings? - As above, but between Moreton and Ascott to protect Bruern crossing or will the existing 2 aspects stay? - Southbound access to/from Long Marston will there be a reversing signal at the north junction at Honeybourne (using top 'n' tail) or would trains have to possibly go to Worcester to run-round?
Saw a couple of orange jackets at Moreton on Thursday lunchtime, installing new cabling on the Southbound platform possibly for the new passenger information system being installed at FGW▸ stations.
« Reply #695 on: May 22, 2010, 15:11:53 » |
Sorry can't help on actual detail of signal types, but given that they are trying to keep costs down, can't see that they will replace signals that are fit for further use unless they absolutely have to.
As far as I understand it, the new layout at Honeybourne will allow trains from Oxford to run direct, via a crossover, into the new sidings which will be laid west of the station, which will include a run-round loop for Long Marston trains to replace the existing one at the station in the old Cheltenham and Stratford platforms, which will be removed to make passive provision for a platform line for any future GWR▸ extension from Broadway. Network Rail had brought along a signalling diagram, but I had to grab various other people to ask about things after the meeting, so didn't get time to have a look at it.
Today's CLPG» AGM▸ was given blockade dates and target completion dates for the redoubling. These are as follows:
Oct 2-3, Moreton-Worcester closed for bridge renewal at Honeybourne, waterproofing and other work at Avon bridge in Evesham and renewal of Littleton & Badsey level crossing. Dec 13-May 20, 2011, midweek overnight possessions from 21.30-05.00 for tracklaying, at rate of a mile per week, so final train each way is replaced by buses. Sat May 28- Sunday June 5, Oxford-Moreton-in-Marsh closure for removal of existing junction point and renewal of level crossing at Ascott-under-Wychwood, installation of new point at Charlbury, commissioning of double track and signalling Charlbury-Ascott. Charlbury-Ascott section ready for service Monday, June 6, 2011. Saturday, August 6-Sunday August 21, 2011, closure Moreton-Worcester to install new junctions west of Evesham and at Honeybourne, renew remaining level crossings, commission new double track and new signalling on Moreton-Evesham-Norton junction section. Moreton-Evesham section ready for service Monday August 22.
Although the June completion date for the Oxfordshire section will miss the May timetable change by a couple of weeks, it is FGW▸ 's intention to start extra Oxford-Moreton services from June 6, unless other issues arise. They also intend to launch a full revised timetable for the line from the first weekend in September 2011, rather than waiting until December, so couple of extra off-peak trains to and from Worcester should start then.
Mike Gallop, Network Rail's western route enhancement manager said the line would be used in future for diversions and freight, so could see a rather wider variety of trains in future than the current diet of Turbos and HSTs▸ . Chipping Campden tunnel is now classed as W6A gauge, which I believe allows Freightliner flats to carry 8ft 6in containers through, or 9ft 6in boxes on low-floor wagons, but I'm not sure if the rest of the line will have the same height clearances - width won't be a problem thanks to Brunel.
« Reply #696 on: May 22, 2010, 18:42:29 » |
Today's CLPG» AGM▸ was given blockade dates and target completion dates for the redoubling. These are as follows:
Oct 2-3, Moreton-Worcester closed for bridge renewal at Honeybourne, waterproofing and other work at Avon bridge in Evesham and renewal of Littleton & Badsey level crossing. In addition, Sunday Oct 10th - MIM to Worcester SH closed. Dec 13-May 20, 2011, midweek overnight possessions from 21.30-05.00 for tracklaying, at rate of a mile per week, so final train each way is replaced by buses. My notes say that the last two trains each way are replaced by buses. Sat May 28- Sunday June 5, Oxford-Moreton-in-Marsh closure for removal of existing junction point and renewal of level crossing at Ascott-under-Wychwood, installation of new point at Charlbury, commissioning of double track and signalling Charlbury-Ascott. Charlbury-Ascott section ready for service Monday, June 6, 2011. Saturday, August 6-Sunday August 21, 2011, closure Moreton-Worcester to install new junctions west of Evesham and at Honeybourne, renew remaining level crossings, commission new double track and new signalling on Moreton-Evesham-Norton junction section. My notes have closure possible from Kingham.....
« Reply #697 on: May 22, 2010, 18:48:01 » |
Sorry, in too much of a hurry. Had missed to Oct 10 closure and concur with the rest of Chris's amendments.
And I should add, for completeness, having now double-double checked my notes, previous news stories and notices on the CLPG» site:
May 31-June 3, August 23-25 and Nov 15-18, last train of the day in each direction is replaced by buses. I believe these are for the regular maintenance visits by the tamper, though I expect other things may be done during the possessions.
Sunday June 27, closed Kingham-Oxford during track renewals at Ascott
July 3-4 and July 11, closed Moreton-Worcester for track renewals at Evesham
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 19:43:08 by willc »
« Reply #698 on: May 25, 2010, 13:59:27 » |
Thanks to ChrisB and Willc for those updates - it seems forever since the tunnel was dealt with last summer, but some solid dates for the remaining works (even if they are a few months away yet) is good news.
To view my GWML▸ Electrification cab video 'before and after' video comparison, as well as other videos of the new layout at Reading and 'before and after' comparisons of the Cotswold Line Redoubling scheme, see:
« Reply #699 on: June 09, 2010, 00:47:39 » |
Looks like work on the ground is getting under way again at last. Big piles of ballast and the gravel used around trackbed drains were dropped opposite the platform at Charlbury station over the weekend, along with pipes and sump sections for drains. There are excavators are parked at both Charlbury and Ascott-under-Wychwood.
« Reply #700 on: June 10, 2010, 14:45:08 » |
Also some stuff being dropped off west of Moreton, around Aston Magna and Blockley, and most noticeably at Evesham where enough fresh track has been dropped between the platforms to renew the whole station area. Presumably to be laid with some new sleepers and ballast to replace decidedly tired wooden sleepers and oil contaminated ballast?
To view my GWML▸ Electrification cab video 'before and after' video comparison, as well as other videos of the new layout at Reading and 'before and after' comparisons of the Cotswold Line Redoubling scheme, see:
Chris from Nailsea
« Reply #701 on: June 11, 2010, 21:10:37 » |
From the Oxford Mail: Cotswold Line rail improvements timetable unveiled
COTSWOLD Line Rail passengers are being given early warning of changes to train services during work over the next 15 months to reinstate double track on much of the line.
Network Rail^s western route enhancement director Mike Gallop and Cotswold Line redoubling project manager Ross Mahoney outlined the timetable for completion of the ^67m project at the Cotswold Line Promotion Group^s recent annual meeting.
There will be a number of line closures and alterations to late-night trains. Replacement bus services will operate during all the closures.
Sunday, June 27: Line closed between Oxford and Kingham for track renewal at Ascott-under-Wychwood. July 3-4 and July 11: Line closed between Moreton-in-Marsh, in Gloucestershire, and Worcester for track renewal at Evesham. October 2-3, and October 10: Line closed between Moreton-in-Marsh and Worcester while a new bridge is fitted at Honeybourne. December 13, 2010-May 20, 2011: Line will close at 9.30pm Monday-Thursday to allow overnight tracklaying work, with the last two trains in each direction between Oxford and Worcester replaced by buses. May 28-June 5, 2011: Line closed between Oxford and Moreton-in-Marsh for installation of new junction at Charlbury and commissioning of signalling. June 6, 2011: New Charlbury-Ascott double track due to open. August 6-August 21, 2011: Line closed Kingham to Worcester (some trains may be able to run to Moreton-in-Marsh over this period) for installation of new junctions and commissioning of signals and new track. August 22, 2011: New Moreton-Evesham double track section due to open. Mr Gallop told the meeting in Moreton-in-Marsh that although punctuality was much better than it had been two years ago, when the enhancement plans were first outlined, the redoubling was still needed, because the line was working at 100 per cent of its capacity, with little scope for recovery when things went wrong, nor to add extra services.
He added: ^Do not underestimate the will of Network Rail to do this work. We have fought long and hard for this project and to drive it through to this point.
^It will be a hard job, with people out working on the line every night for many months, whether it^s fine and dry, or foggy with the temperature down at two below.^
William Huskisson MP▸ was the first person to be killed by a train while crossing the tracks, in 1830. Many more have died in the same way since then. Don't take a chance: Stop, Look, Listen.
"Level crossings are safe, unless they are used in an unsafe manner." Discuss.
« Reply #702 on: June 11, 2010, 21:55:50 » |
At rather short notice some joint FGW▸ /Network Rail meet the manager and redoubling events are taking place next week on the line. I will try tomorrow to get complete details, as the information from both parties doesn't tally up completely. Network Rail say the events are at Charlbury, Kingham, Moreton-in-Marsh and Evesham on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week but haven't given me any times. Press release is here also has some info on arrangements during the June and July tracks renewals at weekends. However, the FGW website says the following: Wednesday 16 June 0600-0900. Kingham and Ascott-under-Wychwood to meet people using the the following trains 07.23 & 08.25 from Oxford and the 06.25,07.16 & 08.25 to Oxford Wednesday 16 June: 17:00-20:00 Moreton-in-Marsh (Honeybourne) to meet 17.24,18.13,18.53,19.32 & 19.57 arrivals from Oxford and the 18.12 & 19.37 departures to Oxford. We also hope to visit Honeybourne for 30 minutes to meet the evening arrival Thursday 17 June: 05:45-09:00 Evesham & Honeybourne. At Evesham 0545 to 0715 to meet people using the 0607 from Oxford and the 0556, 0646 & 0712 to Oxford. At Honeybourne 07.30 to 09.00 to meet people using 0744 from Oxford and 0802 & 0846 to Oxford. They add "We hope to visit Honeybourne whilst having representatives at Evesham" so may also be a chance for people using later trains at Evesham as well. Chris B, do you know more?
« Reply #703 on: June 13, 2010, 01:03:39 » |
Had to go over to Evesham yesterday afternoon, so acting on insider's info went via Aston Magna and then called in at Evesham station to get some photos of the sleepers and rails that have been dropped. They can be found here