There's a handful of issues arising from last weekend's work (surprised how few there are).
Firstly, our workhorse system IS still emailing messages out. But as it's now a backroom system and not known as "", various intermediate email relays are a bit worried about it ...
Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname*
refused to talk to me: 550 Message rejected *
Connection refusedOK - something to work on. At the weekend?
Second, the workhorse system has for some time had traps in there to row back if it gets silly numbers of requests from a single place. I have had to lift the definition of a "silly" number since nearly all requests are now coming from the receptionist server; ealier today it was screwed down a bit hard and members were being directed to the status server far too often.
Third, our shift from http to https has been noticed by crawlers such as Google. Good, indeed excellent as is means that they are reporting us in searches with an increase prominence. However, to do so they have been downloading pages with some vigour to ensure they know all about us. The initial shock in now over - however as I bring in more older resources and new ones [back] online (flows, maps, geolocation, etc) thes is atill going to be the odd load issue. My monitoting code usually spots problems and lets me know, but that's not instant and there will be occasions where a broad and expensive resource is being indexing and it may cause an issue for a few hours. I DO have plenty of resource with the receptionist and if need be a lot of the public content can be served from there.
Fourth reported:
When I clicked on the 'Post' button on the post above, it threw me an error message
Warning: rename(./loggy2.txt,./loggy.txt): No such file or directory in /home/firstgreatwestern/httpdocs/coffeeshop/index.php on line 67
I'll leave Graham to work that one out!
That was only a warning and you can ignore it. And I have told the server to now even tell you in the future. It is / was caused by two visitors at exactly the same time trying to move a log file out of the way - the first succeeds and the second has been grumbling.
Also ... aware of the like system not echoing back in the page, the forum site style not being remembered, and acronyms not being expanded properly. Searching and the easy access to our industry document archive need a look / check too.