Oh dear - looks like I have turned on 2 step authentication for Facebook and the second step had a single point of failure ...
A unforced by overdue opportunity to tidy up with a fresh start. Find me on Facebook now via:
[hideous long link ....]
Now a properly named account -
https://www.facebook.com/graham.ellis.melksham/And the rest of the quote still holds:
and once you are 110% sure it's genuine (and if you want to be my friend!) please send me an invite.
A new beginning, and yet also the "same old". It's less that three days since my then-current laptop met an untimely end. Whilst I was less than thrilled at the time, every cloud has a silver lining and this silver lining has had me take a deep breath, think, and take a fresh look ahead. My brain always works quicker than my fingers on the keyboard, and indeed sometimes faster than my voice and that csn get me in to trouble and be a bit "marmite" to others. So please excuse this starting, at 07;30 on a bright Saturday morning, as a bit of a jumble.
Over 50 wonderful friends re-connected within a week - and the new page now active (perhaps over-active but I am doing that intentionally for a while) and I'm feeling a little bit like I might after a spring clean - sad at a few things lost or put into cupboards to clean, restore and start using again in the autumn but an overwhelming bright new start. More news of that to follow.
Writing here with the help of Cato. And, oh dear, I proved myself a little bit the clumsy oaf of Inspector Clouseau yesterday as I went around the open gardens of Melksham and dropped my key - twice - and had to struggle single handed with bike lock, helmet, cream tea through gardens which are absolutely fantastic, put together with time, patience, green fingers and design skills I don't have and with pathways sized by ad for the owners who are typically much smaller than I am physically as they cram in as many flower and shrubs as they can.