Hope it was a successful day. You have to be particularly dedicated when the weather takes a turn. I vividly remember being at a Melksham Food Festival. When the wind wasn’t trying to blow the gazebo into the next parish, the rain was collecting on the roof threatening to soak us all. Then persuading people to stop and chat is another challenge.
But it’s all good fun (when we have dried off and look back) or we wouldn’t do it.
I remember that day at the Food Festival.
Yesterday was similarly successful for us though pretty poor for many other stalls. Very few punters, but the quality shone through. People who we rarely see otherwise were there including those without thrown cars; some train users already, others not. One on one promotion to this rich vein ... of the new evening service and Saturday through train to Weymouth. Re-assuring a handful that the closure of the TransWilts Station Cafe does NOT mean the closure of the station. And a chance to engage with the other stall holders - movers and shakers in our community in many cases - ensuring that they know that we have that extra train to get people home.
No Carnival, no Party-in-the-Park this year, so a rare opportunity. Food Festival is in the Autumn, so does not help with summer promotion.
Fly in the ointment? Rail strikes, I'm afraid. The damage that the removal of services on none-school days is huge.