Noted on journeycheck delays southbound. Wednesday 8th February.
1F01 (0500 Bristol to Portsmouth) had hiccups, and failed at Romsey. doing so, it delayed the following 0555 Bristol to Portsmouth. a screenshot of the ex 1F01 (now 5F01) hotfooting it back to somewhere, but there's also unknown 1Z99 going the other way.
Just out of interest, our daughter was on the 1025 Bath to Southampton on Sunday.
It wasn't happy, and was 5 down at Bath, so it was announced they'd pull in to a layby, uncouple and recouple.
That didn't work, and an engineer arrived, who went up and down the train looking very unhappy..
They arrived at Southampton exactly 60 minutes late, and that service terminated there.
Remaining passengers transferred to the following train, also very late, which was running right behind the failing unit.
(Edit to clarify todays date.
Also how to post a screenshot please?)