From the detailed evaluation report :
Option B1a Cardiff - Southampton services cut back to Westbury
This option tests the value of the Cardiff to Southampton services on the section south of Westbury where demand is known to be lightest. All
GW▸ services are cut back to Westbury with Dilton Marsh continuing to be served by certain Cardiff to Portsmouth trains. Dunbridge and Dean are then served by the extension of
SWT▸ Totton - Romsey trains in alternate hours to Salisbury and calling at these stations. This extension also provides a new direct link between Salisbury and Eastleigh / Southampton Airport offering new through journey opportunities (a version of this will be implemented south of Salisbury from December 2007.)
This option provides a material economic net disbenefit, with a similar reduction in subsidy requirement from mileage reduction albeit there would be no reduction in rolling stock resources. The option is therefore rejected as inferior to option B1d.
Option B1b. As Option B1a but with SWT extended to Salisbury 3 times only in each direction
This option is as Option B1a but tests a reduced quantum of SWT extensions to Salisbury.
This option provides a material economic net disbenefit, with a better saving in subsidy that option B1a but again there would be no reduction in rolling stock resources which limits the financial savings available. The option is therefore rejected as inferior to option B1d.
B1c. Most Cardiff - Southampton services are cut back to run between Cardiff and Westbury only
This option tests running three Cardiff to Southampton return trips without extension of any SWT services beyond Romsey.
Option B1d. Most Cardiff - Southampton services are cut back to run between Cardiff and Westbury only. 0700 Cardiff ^ Southampton withdrawn to save one diagram
This builds on option B1c with the withdrawal of the remaining Cardiff to Westbury portion of the 0700 Cardiff Central to Southampton saving one class 150 diagram. The additional changes beyond this are required to maintain reasonable service frequencies at Severn Tunnel Jn, Patchway and Bradford-On-Avon
This option outperforms the other B1 options considered. It delivers a positive economic case and substation subsidy reduction as a result of enabling the escapement of one Class 150 unit diagram. This option is recommended for progression.
B2 options: provision of through services to Brighton
Three options have been developed and assessed and the recommendation is to implement none of these i.e. to retain the existing through service provision.
Option B2a. All Cardiff / Bristol - Brighton services withdrawn
This option tests the value of operating through services between Cardiff, Bristol and Brighton by withdrawing the services.
The case for retaining through Brighton services from Bristol would appear to be relatively strong (
BCR▸ 2.56). We recommend rejection of this option.
Option B2b. All Cardiff / Bristol - Brighton services withdrawn and replaced by portions off Cardiff to Portsmouth services
This option reduces the costs of the through Brighton services by their operation as portions of Cardiff to Portsmouth trains detached / attached at Fareham.
This option has been rejected on operational feasibility grounds, as no suitable paths exist on the route between Havant and Brighton.
Option B2c. All Cardiff / Bristol - Brighton services withdrawn and replaced by a Swindon to Brighton service operating in marginal time
This option provides a significant economic net disbenefit, and is rejected on economic grounds (BCR of retention 2.35).
Some off-peak Westbury - Swindon trains run in marginal time
This option tests re-instating an off-peak train service over the Melksham route which is assumed withdrawn in the Straw Man by operating services as far south as Westbury only and in marginal time using the peak unit diagram.
This option is recommended for inclusion in the timetable specification (but wasnt.)
B10 options: retiming evening Melksham line service
These two options explore whether retiming the evening peak Melksham line train from Swindon either earlier or later to enable an additional evening peak service to operate from Bristol Temple Meads on the Westbury line. Neither option is recommended.
Option B10a. Additional evening peak train between Bristol and Warminster provided by retiming Swindon - Westbury train earlier
This option tests the value of operating an additional evening peak train from Bristol to Warminster in marginal time by retiming the evening train from Swindon to Westbury earlier.
We do not recommend that this option be progressed.
Option B10b. Additional evening peak train between Bristol and Frome provided by retiming Swindon - Westbury train later
This option tests the value of operating an additional evening peak train from Bristol to Frome in marginal time by retiming later the afternoon train from Swindon to Westbury.
We do not recommend that this option be progressed.
Question from me to Peter West (
DfT» ) on the Dilton Marsh specification from December 2007 :
"In effect , you are saying that
FGW▸ will be obligated to provide five services each way on Monday - Fridays (plus the service from Portsmouth Harbour specified in paragraph 2.1(e) of section F1) , five services each way on Saturdays and four services each way on Sundays that call at Dilton Marsh from December 2007 (a substansially cut service from now.)
Why is the Saturday service specification being reduced?"
Reply :
"The reason is that the Saturday increase for the one year compared to the original number of services in the SLC2 was a consequence of the way in which increased Dean/Dunbridge services were defined in drafting terms by colleagues who wrote the revised SLC2 drafting."
This leads me to conclude that the following analysis by Graham Ellis may well be correct (link below.)"Further cuts come this December in Wiltshire. The service level from Westbury to Salisbury has been somewhat above the service level specification this year due to a last-minute add on for the year. When that goes, Dilton Marsh looses most of its service and it WOULD go below specification ... except that (as I understand it) a couple of Bristol to Westbury trains will be extended to Warminster to ensure that the specification is met. "Where there's a train that has a layover in Westbury" was what my contact said, so I expect that the extra trains will be timed to meet the specification at the operator's convenience rather than when the customers want them. I hope to be proven wrong."