Looks like another campiagn has been launched to re-open the portishead line:
I met a nice lady today from (I think) Transport for Greater Bristol Alliance on a stall in the Green Forum tent at the Bristol Festival of Nature. Had a chat with her about the line to Portishead - she was most enthusiastic about the Ultra Light Rail Hybrid (Flywheel, Biomethane) Tram for Bristol with extension to Portishead. I'm yet to be convinced about ULR and heavy rail sharing the same infrastructure. Is it really feasible to have 2000+ ton freight trains and a ULR Tram sharing the same tracks?
I'd rather see conventional rail return to Portishead as it would be a lot quicker to get up and running once funding was secured.
I've found more information about the proposals to re-open the line to Portishead, including projected costings, Network Rail's
GRIP▸ (Guide to Rail Investment Projects) process and a list of
FAQs▸ at the following link:
http://travelplus.org.uk/public-transport/train/portishead-rail-corridor (see 'related links' on the top right of that web page)
From the list of FAQs at that link you'll see that my ultra-conservative figure of 40mins for Portishead to Temple Meads was way out. Proposed journey time with one intermediate stop at Pill would be 17 minutes. Now, that pees all over the road alternative!