Following on from my post the other day - a further one to remind us all (as if we needed reminding) to respect the privacy of those who live in or near completely abandoned railway sites, as well as keeping well clear of closed stations on open lines.
From the other day:
I'm seeing pictures on my Facebook feed of an old station site in Wiltshire. Lovely to see - but please if you are taking such pictures, please be safe, please follow the rules which are there to keep everyone - including you the photographer - safe. i really don't want to be writing your obituary here.
This post is not directed at any current Coffee Shop members - it's posted here as a permanent reminder to everyone, and as a link I can use when writing elsewhere. But never the less it's a reminder to us all:
* to be safe
* to act in such a way that others feel safe
* to set a good example to others
Once again,
this post is not directed at any current Coffee Shop members - it's posted here as a reminder to everyoneFollowing text is a public post - so I feel free to quote it for review and comment purposes.
Without wishing to reignite a debate that this group had a week or so ago (I think), I'll suggest this post is just to act a warning for those going close to [location]
We parked up on the left of both 'google maps' pictures below, beside the [deleted] and made our way down the path ahead towards today's goal which was the location on [deleted] station.
With two cameras in hand (and not lifting either at this stage), we were broadsided from the lady in the house on the right, who came from her garden as we walked past it. She shouted across her garden and said "What do you think you are doing?". A conversation from a position of defending our walk ensued.
Her main issue seemed to be that "Some people in the village have had trouble with your sort" and "Don't you dare put any pictures on Facebook".
To clarify 1) We had not filmed/photographed anything at this stage. 2) Had no intention of filming or photographing her house (It wasn't either of the original stations, the one across the road where we parked was and is for sale all over the internet at a cool £895k). 3) The pictures below are again not mine as can be seen they are Google's. Unbeknown to us they have obviously requested the blur from Google. 4) our walk was 100% on a bridleway besides the ladies house.
It really left a disappointing taste, and I wonder what has happened in the past to upset her in such a way that makes her manner fairly aggressive to those walk past with a camera! A said end to an otherwise lovely day out.
Comment - it takes two to tango ... if in doubt, don't dance.