From our user agreement:
Spam ... advertisements ... are also forbidden on this forum.
And this new member managed to break that in his / her first post. Normally our moderator team is sympathetic to errors / oversteps by members - especially new ones. But in this case the advertising was clearly right through the personal account settings and indicated that (s)he knew exactly what (s)he was doing.
We turn away a very large number of signup requests which (on past experience) are likely to be people looking for posting rights to adverse products - it's such a serious issue that there are sites listing know "spammers" which we indeed make use of ... and we have other tools and metrics too which help us spot them. Allowing Zara was a marginal decision which I made, having researched the sign up request and in this case I got it wrong; no great had done, and indeed I've decided to leave the message here as an interesting note for members and readers of what goes on behind the scenes.
Technical details of how we filter are not made public, as it would make it easier for people to get posts like this through - but I would be happy to discuss in "Frequent Posters" if anyone cares to quote / ask there!