There's been a lot in the news today about the imminent opening of the new improved bits of Gatwick station. I think they all overstate the improvements - including
this long piece from IanVisits.
You could be forgiven for asking "what, again?" There were upgrades both to the passenger areas upstairs, and to the track layout and platforms (adding p7) during the last ten years. So, how new is this?
It is indeed all part of the same overall upgrade, meant to switch Gatwick Express from the very wide P1/2 to the rather narrow P5/6, now between the fast lines. That much was done last time (2014), but it was known then the P5/6 needed to be widened and the concourse above and the "vertical circulation" enlarged. I guess they did what they could, without waiting for all the planning and other time-consuming stuff, as a first step.
But there was a problem - and it hasn't really been solved. P5/6 has been widened a little around the new lifts and escalators for the new concourse, which is the most important area. But the north end, under the old concourse, could not be made wider or the concourse would not have a leg to stand on. It sits on a row of stanchions just beyond where the P6 track was, so while there's space outside that it can't be used. So they are left with P5/6, designated for handling the major air passenger flows, still being cramped over much of its length.
With hindsight, I wonder why P7 was not put as far back is possible within the major pre-existing buildings. Clearly it hasn't been, as even at the narrowest points there are other things - buildings walkways etc - behind P7. On the other hand, I can understand why they didn't try to move or replace those supporting legs ...
The planing documents are at Crawley Borough Council planning register CR/2018/0273/FUL, if you're interested.