On the agenda for Swindon & Wiltshire Local Transport Body, Monday, 3rd March, 2014 4.30 p.m.
http://ww5.swindon.gov.uk/moderngov/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=940&MId=6413http://ww5.swindon.gov.uk/moderngov/documents/s65424/20140224%20Swindon%20Wiltshire%20Local%20Enterprise%20Partnership%20Transport%20Vision%202026%20DRAFT%20FINAL%20v7.4.pdfThe forward ...
Economic growth is being hampered across the UK▸ by congestion; Swindon and Wiltshire is no different in this regard especially in our urban and town centres. In addition, at peak periods, journey time reliability is extremely variable travelling north/south through the Partnership Area, and east-west into the key Bath/Bristol economic area.
The aim of Transport 2026 (T2026) is to establish a clear long term transport vision to guide the work of Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership over the next decade until 2026. Paramount to this will be collaborative working with partners and other service providers to ensure that we are all working together to a common purpose which will make a positive difference to stimulating economic growth.
The Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) serves as the LEP» ^s means of making a case for additional funding for transport, housing and skills, by setting out a clear strategy for the Partnership Area, and a range of interventions to deliver that strategy. T2026 is integral to the SEP as it optimises the planning and delivery of transport investments for the LEP area going forward. It brings together and refreshes work previously undertaken by Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council to create an overall holistic vision for transport that is consistent with social and environmental goals of the Partnership Area. Above all, it primarily focusses on how we can deliver infrastructure that will stimulate economic growth at the same time as ensuring network resilience. In essence, we want an affordable, low carbon, accessible, efficient and reliable transport network to achieve a more competitive economy and better connected, more active and healthy communities.
T2026 states its wider Strategic Objectives as laid out in the SEP and outlines 10 Strategic Transport Objectives to deliver these goals. The document identifies issues and barriers to construction of transport infrastructure and then goes on to articulate linkages between the prioritised schemes and the economic priorities of the LEP, and serves as the wider strategic case to underpin future funding bids. It concludes with a Delivery Strategy up to 2026 which builds on the pipeline of major schemes identified through the Local Transport Body prioritisation process undertaken in June 2013.
It is fair to say that we cannot build our way out of congestion; consequently the vision recognises the key role transport has to play in reducing our carbon footprint. That is why T2026 contains the principal focus on facilitating sustainable transport and active travel by heavily promoting public transport, especially rail, buses, cycling and walking.
Paul Johnson