Here's the job description from a recent
GWR▸ Gateline Assistant vacancy:
Gateline Assistant
About the job
The purpose of the job is to be the face of Great Western Railway and to give Great Western Railway customers a positive impression of the company and to exceed their expectations of customer service. As a Gateline Assistant, you will assist in the operation of the ticket barriers and provide information and assistance to customers.
I've highlighted pertinent points that appear to be lacking from Robin Summerhill's experience at Chippenham.
Robin, do contact GWR Customer Services and raise the matter. It might take a few rounds of correspondence to reach a resolution you are happy with, but change only occurs if the service provider acknowledges there's a problem. That was my experience with issues at Paddington's gateline. In my case the complaints went all the way to a personal meeting with GWR's Customer Service Director. I'm not suggesting things will, or need, go that far with your issues at Chippenham, but an assurance that the issue will be raised with local management is the least that should be promised. Then, if similar happens again you can escalate further.
I agree with others that, in general, frontline customer service staff, be they booking clerks, gateline staff, platform staff, guards,
TMs▸ etc are a great bunch, dedicated to doing their very best for customers. It's the one or two jobsworths that tarnish the image. And, of course, we as customers are far more likely to share our negative experiences. I may just start a thread about positive interactions and stories of rail staff going above and beyond the next time I have such an interaction.