So for example, little point checking in the middle of the morning for an evening return.
I appreciate that late changes can and do happen and you should recheck... but are you
really suggesting that if I'm headed from Melksham to Weymouth on a Sunday for a day trip, and check at (say) 07:00 when I wake, that there is little point in taking note of the 20:06 Westbury to Swindon cancellation that was announced at 3 a.m.? If you are suggesting that ... what's the point in it being on public JourneyCheck?
I have a modicum of sympathy if this is the case, but in which case, advise your customers of a good time to check I guess?
Indeed but
* Check where
* Not much good suggesting a time to check AFTER they have made their outward journey on a day trip. Please note, ChrisB, that there's the context of an infrequent service in play at Melksham (and Newquay and Weymouth) where a single cancellation cannot realistically be answered by "never mind - there sill be another along in half an hour"