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All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Thames Valley infrastructure problems causing disruption elsewhere - 2025
on: March 05, 2025, 05:15:21
Breathtakingly hopeless...............
Cancellations to services between London Paddington and Reading
Due to a fault with the signalling system between Slough and Twyford all lines are blocked. Disruption is expected until 09:00 05/03.
Train services between London Paddington and Reading will be cancelled.
Customer Advice Due to a fault on the signalling system between Slough and Twyford, the trains that run from London Paddington to Reading in both directions are unable to leave the depot. This means we have had to suspend the train service.
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: 175s to GWR
on: March 01, 2025, 09:23:47
I'm getting increasingly doubtful that the units will be in service before the end of the summer. At a Local forum this afternoon, GWR▸ were insistent that the Castles will be withdrawn on the current expected date, so it looks as though the 175s will start... Which is May? Or will more IET▸ ’s or other stock simply be drafted in for the interim? "More" IETs? Or just stripping them out elsewhere meaning more short forms and overcrowding?